Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Strength gone again

Just now I am back to around 5 push ups.

I am curious if anyone else with PTS by whatever name you know it- has this sort of fluctuation in strength. My doctors will not discuss it, which is just as well since they do not understand anything about it.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Timolol and strength update

Well, it has been a bit more than a week since I have stopped the beta blocker eye drops, aka Timolol. The theory is that they may have either caused or exacerbated my tremor and muscle weakness. The timing suggests at least a probable cause enough to be suspicious.

Initially, I felt that my fine motor control was much improved, and the few twitches I have had ongoing appeared to have stopped.

But then I had to go and spoil it all by attempting to do a bit of yard work today.

Trying to lift things is still a problem. But, overall my lower back and upper legs felt much stronger than they have in previous similar outside work. My hands, particularly on the left, still tremor after any exertion. At one point I had my left hand resting on a board trying to hold it steady, and it was shaking quite a lot. I just tried to work through it.

During the work period, I had a few instances of just not knowing how to proceed. I am not good at building things anyway, but this was a fairly simple thing to attempt. I am not sure why things like this seem to happen. I guess there was a symptom for confusion listed in the Timolol. And I also know that can happen for magnesium deficiency. It has got to be the Timolol unless there is still something else at work here other than NA and its associated weirdness.

I got to a point, I just had to quit though. It was not quite done, but I was at a point that going on would have been prone to my making mistakes, and some of those could be dangerous when weakness takes over while using power tools. My shoulders were done. I could feel my scapulas trying to hold my shoulders stable- and it hurt a bit. Now I have trouble reaching my arms out away from my body. I may have over done things.

But I also just did 30 push-ups with only minor shaking towards the end.