Monday, January 3, 2011

Glaucoma updates

I guess now new research has suggested that glaucoma is more of a degenerative nerve disease than simply an eye disease and new treatments may be directed in slowing the actual degeneration of the optic nerve. Hmm. Maybe it was not as far fetched of an idea as it seemed that my particular degenerative nerve disorder could impact my optic nerves?


  1. RBWalton,

    I would like to communicate with you regarding NA/HNA. I share so many of your symptoms, but am not big on public comments. If you'd like you can communicate with me via

  2. I have HNA. Still in pain in the right side and neck mainly but it comes and goes in my left side. I've only had atrophy on the right side though. However twice this week I woke up to awful pain in both of my legs that I got under control with meds (unlike the other pain I've experienced). The scary part is today I woke up and my legs were all wobbly and weak and it hasn't gotten better in the last few hours. I went online to read about it and my eyes are all blurry (not emotion induced). I've always had perfect eyesight and now I can barely make out what I'm reading. I'm going to try to rest them and hope they go back to normal but I wanted to comment and get your thoughts. Man I hate HNA
