Monday, September 21, 2009

Pushup Update

Long term readers (if there are any) may remember the saga of my pushup history. A brief recap is that just after my right scapula started to wing in late 2006, I could still do around 20 or so pushups. A month or so later, that started to decline to the point where I could not do even a single pushup. Since then, the number I can do has varied from around one, to a high of four or barely five. Usually, I could only coax 2-3 out of my body before I would collapse.

There may be hope. Today, I was able to do ten.

Now, this still was not easy. I barely got to the tenth one. But, it was a full ten as low to the floor as I could ever go when I was stronger. One thing I noticed- other than my wrists feeling like they may break before I was done- was that my lower back and upper legs shook like crazy when I was doing them. Shaking may not be the right word. They just felt as if the muscles were firing inconsistently, and pulsing instead of holding steady as they should do. I used to wonder about that happening. Now I know it is due to the NA or HNA impacting nerves in my lower body and legs.

I said there may be reason to hope that this may be improving, but I am not really confident that will happen for me at this point. I am better today: maybe not so much tomorrow. This seems to go in cycles.

One thing it points out to me though is something I have said before. Never give in to this. Just because it seems that a muscle is no longer working, keep trying. If it is not working today, try again in a few more days. You may see a change. You may find a glimmer of hope.


  1. Great news! Are you trying to lift regularly? That is one thing I have found to help.

  2. I have not tried lifting weights yet- I have been lifting against a rubber stretchy- whatever those are- I will try weights if I continue to improve.

    Good to hear from you again. I hope you are improving too.

  3. Good to hear you are doing something! I'm doing great, went to the neurologist on Monday and he was pleasantly surprised at my progress. Still winging, but I'm able to do pushups regularly now with limited pain in my lat area. Babysteps!

  4. Yes, that winging is a pain to get around. My shoulder feels more normal than it looks at this point. It clicks and pops for most movement though. Strength is an on-going issue. I have tried regularly to get the strength for pushups to return. Usually, I get a one day period I can do a few, and the next day I am back to nothing. This is the first time since 2006 that I have had this much of a return that lasted more than a day. I am hoping I can still do them today, and maybe even add a few. I will never be a bodybuilder type. I just would like to get back the strength I had prior to this happening.
